Something to Look Back On | 2018


2018, gosh! Just imagine that, a new year has already come in. Reminiscing my 2018, I really feel like it happened in a blink of an eye like it was that fast - no joke. Maybe for some it was dreadfully long but for me it was as fast as the days are going by.

2019, a new year ahead and a new year to conquer. But for the meanwhile, let me just share you some of my highlights for the past year. I do apologize in advance due to not having sufficient visuals to really show you all the highlights of my 2018 due to the need of deletion of photos within my library because they are getting immense as days go by. Sorry, life of a photographer.

I can say for a fact, that my 2018 was really life-changing for me. And this is for the real me.

To start things off, for my first highlight – I know this is not typically a highlight for some but for me it is such a milestone. 2018 was the year the I learned how to flirt. Prior years to 2018, I am oblivious to all those intimacy and flirty stuff due to having a vantage point only with studying. But stepping in 2018 something clicked, a rush of desire to meet new people and hopefully have an intimate connection with them was realized. It was a milestone that acquainted with it is my start of using dating apps. Yes, I admit I use dating apps. Maybe not all have the courage like to me admit such activity, but hey majority of us are guilty.

In connection with the first highlight, 2018 was also the year... uhmm this might be a bit funny to reveal to all but hey it is a milestone for me. This is the year that I first got into a relationship. As far as you guys know I am gay, meaning that I got into a relationship with a guy - obviously. I know you are all bearing in mind that I am still too young to be thinking of such commitment, but we all know this is the age where all of us become reckless and make rash choices. That being said, this was also my first break up due to certain misfortunes between the both of us and that information should be kept only to me and to those whom I have trusted with the said information. And as far as I can say, it was heart-changing per say due to all the lesson I’ve learned during our relationship and after our break up and I know I have still a lot to learn when it comes to those aspects in life and I am open to learning them soon.

Stepping up in college is also a milestone in 2018 that I could not forget because for me it is a big thing. As me and my best friends reminisce our high school days, those were the days where we would dream of already being in college in an attempt to speed up the academic chapter in our life. But now seeing and experiencing how dreadful college can be and knowing that this is only the start of it, we are now talking of wanting to go back to high school where all was laid back and easy.

This year also marked my departure of being out of the closet. Meaning, this was the year when I came out to everyone I know that I am gay, even to my family. And luckily they accept me! Although my mom told me that it took dad some time to adjust to such concept nonetheless he accepts me for who I truly am. This, I can say is not only a milestone of my 2018 but also a milestone in my life.

2018 was a rough and an eye-opener year for me. It opened up my eyes to see what the world has in store for me, and what else I am to learn in the near future. 2019 is a fresh new start for everyone, and I hope I can do 2019 proud just like how proud I am to be me.

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