I Just Wanna Share


I know I have not been that active for the past months of 2019. My last and latest post is my 2018 year-ender and I haven’t got to posting any new contents for this blog of mine. I know that I don’t have that much supporters and readers that read my blog but if you are reading this, I apologize for just creating a new content again and I thank you very much that you are one of my supporters that keeps coming back supporting me; and if you are new here on my blog, welcome!

First and foremost, I apologize for not being that active on creating contents for my blog especially during these past few months due to the fact that I don’t have that much free time to do anything outside of my academic life. Now I can say, college life is really no joke and yes, I know that I am still new to such a thing and that it would soon get worse as I progress more into collegiate level but it is really no joke. One reason why during last summer I was so active on creating contents was because it was summer plus I didn’t have that much to do so all my effort and time were spent on creating contents. But that all changed when college came knocking on my door and took all my time, the only free time that I get I spent it on relaxing or rather sleeping just so that my human body and mind can rest for a bit before it is beaten up again by the academic life.

Yes, I am now telling you that this is more of a personal type of content because I have a lot on my mind and inside that I would like to let out and I know that writing about it can help me last through the struggles that I am going through right now.

The biggest struggle that I am going through right now is about my academic life, specifically with my History subject. I am not really a big fan of all that subjects that would require you to be a bookie or more efforts into memorizing and reading a plethora of information, but I do appreciate and adore History. For me, what makes history exciting for me is that I get a glimpse on what the world was back then plus discovering exciting facts and information that would help us learn why our world is what is right now. But with this issue, I am really struggling plus the professor is really not being of help at all. I an giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is really intelligent and amazing just to be intact with all this information BUT the way he teaches history – Philippine History – is nothing. Instead of giving us reliable readings or references where we could read and learn more about what he is talking about, he would only spit out all this information to us, not knowing if what he is talking about is still in align with the course module or not anymore, and then expect us to excel in his course. I mean that is just nonsense.

Personally, from a perspective of a student from this generation. Teachers should also ask themselves if their students nowadays are still learning from what they give their students or how they give it out. Teachers should realize, especially teachers that have been teaching for a long time now should think about changing the way that they teach their subject because they are not teaching the past generation that they know such ways worked; they are now teaching the future generations which we came with change and are here for change, so if the teachers would want change from us, they should also change first for the betterment of the students that would eventually affect the future better.

I know that this content would not really have a lot of attention, but if any one of you would like to share this content to people that are feeling the same way to how students or some students are being taught then share it because I know that it would help them also have a light on them knowing that they are not alone in feeling such ways towards certain types of teaching ways.

I’ll end this content with this for now, I still have a lot to share with you guys about my life and realizations that I am having in my life but that would be on another content - hopefully soon. So, thank you guys for reading and hearing out one of my major struggles in life right now.

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  1. College is really an eye-opener, but we'll get through this! ��
