Chasing gets Tiring


I do runs, I can jog for a good 30 minutes or do 20 rounds of jog if necessary. I am athletic as much as I can be – I’m once a member of one of the most prominent Cheerleading Teams here in the Philippines. I can do and be all those things if needed or if I want to. But why the heck is it more tiring when you choose to chase and run after Love?!

            Okay, this is my first time writing a content that is really personal, especially coming from my point of view and being posted here on my blog.

So, I’ve been chasing for the ones that I like or had/have a crush on since I became maturely conscious to this world of ours. And to all my friends that knows me and all this shenanigans that I’m writing for this content — PLEASE KEEP QUIET! SOON LET’S MAKE GOSSIP HAHAHA! So the idea for this content actually came to me on a spontaneous note. Spontaneous being me whilst at the gym, then after my program for the day then it hit me *boogsh* then snap - over think.

I replayed all my puppy love and infatuation moments through the years, and I know I'm still young (just 18 years old) to do a content like this. This replaying happened during my break after the workout, fyi. And this lowered my mood through the entire afternoon, until the night.

It got me thinking: how the hell did my stamina kept on going? How did I manage to chase them for a good period of time and never get tired? And YES I know you'll think "You should keep on going, for it is Love." Yes I know that it "might" be Love, but I'm only human and our species tends to get tired on a normal basis, right?

Then on that day, while I was thinking of all the chasing I've done. The weight of each came crashing down, all the tiring that came with those chasing came crashing down on me during that day when I decided to think about it. Then there I felt tired.

I don't plan on making this long, I just want to say that I'm tired. But maybe for this time only, my perspective on this content may change through the course of time because everything in the world changes, even us. So yeah, for the mean time I'm tired but I can't wait for those chasing moments again but I wish that it would be me now that can and would be chased at. J

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